
Here's my button, if you'd like to add it to your page!

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These are the buttons of other Neocities sites that I like :3

Sugar for Brains button Ribozone button Doqmeat button Pastel Hell button Twelve Men button Velvet Blue button sadgrlonline button hello room button Welcome Home Wiki Button fridgefeet button freckleskies button kaylee rowena

Web Rings

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Transmasculine Pride Webring

Transing the Internet Webring Button ADHMe Web Ring Index

Website Development

These are some of the resources I used to make my site!

freeCodeCamp:This is the site where I learned HTML and CSS!! I highly recommend it, I learned so so much
W3Schools: Classic W3 Schools link, as the definitive coding library.
dafont: A wide variety of free fonts!
Aesthetics Wiki: if you need help identifying what kind of visuals you want your site to have, I found this helpful.
Common Screen Resolutions: This is a good article to have on hand, if you're wanting to make your site mobile-friendly.


Widgets links for your website! These are the ones I use or am at least familiar with.

Cbox: Makes a chatbox that you can embed into your website!
imood: If you'd like to share how you're doing, this little widget shows an emoji and your mood :3
Atabook: The service I use for my guestbook!
Gify Pet Button A cute customizable pet for your website!
Status Cafe Similar to imood, but it doubles as a micro-blog.


Resources for graphics you can use on your site!

88x31 Buttons A large collection of 88x31 gifs! I used a bunch of these on my About page :3
Backgrounds Archive: A library of old tile backgrounds!
Internet Bumper Stickers: The name is pretty self-explanatory


Anything else I find interesting goes here!

The Ratchelor: It's the Batchelor with rats :D
The Night Mind Index: For anyone interested in exploring unfiction and ARGs, the Night Mind Index is a one-stop-shop for finding projects.